Teaching and Learning with Apps

I propose a Talk and Play session to discuss, share and play with our favorite free apps. We will talk about how we use them for learning, teaching, research and assessment.

Bring your favorite device, list of apps and uses, and best practices/tips. Let’s share!

I will discuss how I use apps in my language classroom to engage students fulfilling the National Language Standards- the 5’Cs (Community, Connection, Comparison, Communication, Culture)


I will share how I use

  • Socrative
  • Snapchat
  • Apalabrados *word with friends
  • Groupme
  • Tellagami
  • Threering
  • Zite
  • Duolingo/Memrise

I would like to create a centralized location where we can share list of apps, best practices and uses. We can discuss the best platform for this location in this session.


Categories: Teaching |

About Cari Jimenez

Cari Jiménez is an Instructor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Her research interests focus on the intersection of second language acquisition, experiential learning, and mobile learning in the L2 classroom. She specializes in classroom techonology and interactive learning spaces.