“Magic Mirror Theater”: A Virtual Reality, Experiential Learning Environment.

Magic Mirror Theater is an open-source web application designed to facilitate the study of classical drama and potentially other forms of literature by enhancing the current teaching methodologies in higher education, using an experiential-learning augmented-reality environment. It allows instructors and students to use their classroom projector or personal computer screen as a “magic mirror” in which they can see themselves standing on the stage of an ancient theater digitized in life size, holding digital replicas of ancient props, wearing digital costumes, and interacting with virtual mechanical devices used during theatrical performance in the Greco-Roman world.  A library of 3D objects thematically categorized will be available along with options for selecting theatrical space, perspective, replicating user’s body on the stage in various arrangements (chorus/main actors), and other features. This system aims to help students and future scholars understand the circumstances of performance and comprehend the architectural and spatiotemporal logistics of Classical Drama.

Categories: Session: Play, Teaching, Visualization |

About Eleni Bozia

Dr. Bozia is the Associate Director of the Digital Epihgraphy and Archaeology project at the University of Florida. She is an award winning digital humanist (University of Leipzig e-humanities award 2012, National Endowment for the Humanities 2011) and the author of the book 'Lucian and His Roman Voices: Cultural Exchanges and Conflicts in the Early Roman Empire' published by Routlege in the series of Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies. She holds a PhD in Classical Studies from the University of Florida, a MA in Classics from the University of Glasgow, and a BA in Classical Philology from Aristotle University. She currently holds a research faculty position at the University of Leipzig and she also lectures at the University of Florida.

2 Responses to “Magic Mirror Theater”: A Virtual Reality, Experiential Learning Environment.

  1. Please, please, tell us that we can try it out? Great questions of knowledge and embodiment here.

  2. I can’t wait to experience this. I think this is an important session regarding the potential of using this type of interactive immersive environment within (and in addition to) a classroom space. At one point I was reading quite a lot about the ways that online interactions can often change (and deepen) within virtual worlds, which has huge implications for the future of higher education delivered online; I wonder if there is room (or interest) within the session to discuss other general uses of similar tools and ways that they might contribute to meaningful interactions with both content and people. I think that specific tools like this are important to explore, and I hope others will also have interesting projects and resources to share in this area.

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